17th September 2024

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Except as indicated in paragraph (1) below, each Committee shall exercise on behalf of the Council the functions assigned to it in this document. Committees are not bound to exercise delegated powers and may at their discretion refer matters to the Council for decision. Any three members of a Committee may also stand and require any decision of the Committee to be referred to the Council as a recommendation. Each Committee is required to submit to the Council a report of its proceedings since the previous meeting of the Council.

Delegation Exceptions

a) The borrowing of money
b) Approval of the annual budget and the levying of a precept
c) The disposal of land, other than lettings for two years or less
d) The introduction of new major policy or a change in the Council's established
The making of byelaws
f) The purchase of land not provided for, or at a cost in excess of a sum allowed in any approved capital programme
g) Matters relating to the employment of the Town Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

Committees may, subject to the concurrence of the Council, appoint Sub-Committees and (subject to the foregoing exceptions) such of the Committees' powers and duties as the Council may resolve, may be delegated to Sub-Committees. Each Sub Committee is required to submit to the main Committee a report of its proceedings since the previous meeting of the Committee.

Terms of Reference/Delegation to Committees

Policy and Finance Committee
(14 Members including the Chair and Deputy Chair of other Standing Committees)
i) Without detracting from the duties and responsibilities of the other Committees, to review the effectiveness of the whole of the Council's organisation, its standards and levels of service.
ii) To consider and approve corporate arrangements for risk management.
iii) To control the policies of all Committees and, where appropriate, to make recommendations thereon to the Council.
iv) To consider and make decisions on any matters referred to it by the Council or other Committees.
v) To determine all matters relating to financial issues and to recommend annual revenue and capital budgets to Council.
vi) To advise the Council on the regulation and control of the Council's finances; including in particular the financial implications and funding of any capital works.
vii) To control the collection of revenues of the Council and to write off irrecoverable amounts.
viii) To determine policy regarding insurances.
ix) To receive auditors' reports and make decisions as to any policy matters raised thereby or arising therefrom.
x) To make decisions regarding town twinning, hospitality, civic and public relations activities.
xi) To advise on the making of any byelaws not specifically the responsibility of any other Committee.
xii) To make decisions on all matters relating to all staff including proposals for additional staff to the Council's establishment. The appointment of the Town Clerk being the responsibility of the full Council.
xiii) To make recommendations to the Council on the conduct of its own business - including Standing Orders, Committee organisation and membership and calendar of meetings.
xiv) To make decisions on all matters relating to the Guildhall
xv) To make decisions on any matters not specifically allocated to another Committee.

Accounts Sub-Committee

This Sub-Committee will report directly to the Policy and Finance Committee and will comprise 4 Members consisting of the Chairman of Policy Finance Committee plus 3 other Members. Substitutes will be permitted from any other member of the main Committee.
i) To approve the payment of Accounts in accordance with Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.
ii) To monitor the level of Council income/expenditure compared with the approved budget and to make any recommendations thereon to the Finance and General Purposes Committee.
iii) To act as the Council's Audit Committee and to receive and make recommendations on reports from Internal and External Auditors.

Staffing Sub-Committee

This Sub-Committee will report directly to the Policy and Finance and will comprise 7 members consisting of the Chair of Policy and Finance Committee plus 6 other of its members

General –
• To review all personnel procedures, be the first contact for all employee/employer matters, advise Policy and Finance Committee accordingly on such matters, and act on its instructions when called upon.
• To consider and make recommendations to the Policy and Finance Committee concerning the employment and terms and conditions of all staff.
• To consider and make recommendations to the Policy and Finance Committee on issues concerning Council personnel policy.

The Sub-Committee shall have no set calendar and shall be convened by the calling of a meeting by the clerk as directed, or by the chairman or two members of the committee by written request to the chairman at any time.
Once properly convened and the appropriate resolution passed, all business of the Sub-Committee shall be conducted in closed session and shall remain confidential, other than to other members of the council should they have legitimate need to have access to this information and who will also respect the confidential nature of such information, and the representative of employees where appropriate.
Specific Roles: -
1. To review, and update annually where necessary, all documents relating to employees including Employment Contracts and the Staff Handbook. This will be conducted in conjunction with the Clerk and recommended to Policy & Finance Committee

2. To conduct and have delegated responsibility for all Grievance and Disciplinary action within the Council. In the first instance, any complaints/grievances will try to be resolved informally by the Town Clerk. If this is not possible or if it is deemed to serious, the Town Clerk will conduct informal investigatory meetings into any formal complaints or disciplinary matters that are raised concerning an employee. They will report their findings to the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Sub-Committee who will decide if further action is required including whether to formally consider by the Sub-Committee. If the complaint is about the Clerk, then the Chair and Vice Chair will endeavour to resolve the matter informally. Again, if this is not possible or the matter is considered to serious then they will conduct the investigation and report back to the Sub-Committee with their findings.

The Sub-Committee will appoint a panel of three members at its first meeting. The purpose of this panel will be to conduct formal discipline and grievance hearings with any Employee of the Council, when needed. The Panel will also decide the outcome of the meeting and inform the Personnel Committee of their decision.

If an Employee believes that a member of this panel lacks impartiality to conduct their hearing, the Committee will make all reasonable efforts to appoint an alternative member who is considered to be impartial.

Appeals will be conducted by the Appeals Sub-Committee which is made up of the Chairs of the 4 standing committees and the Town Mayor.

3. To investigate any health and / or attendance issue concerning Employees of the Council. The Sub-Committee has delegation to arrange for medical assessments to be conducted and reports produced by either an independent Occupational Health Doctor, or an Employee's own Doctor, to enable this investigation to be conducted.

The Sub-Committee will be responsible and have delegation for the full implementation of the Council's capability procedure relating to Employee health and attendance at work. This includes the ability to recommend and implement reasonable adjustments to accommodate an Employee's needs.

4. To ensure annual appraisals of staff are undertaken and to inform the Policy and Finance Committee that they have been conducted.

The Committee will appoint a panel of two members to conduct the Clerk's Appraisal. (The Clerk will conduct subordinate Appraisals). The outcome and associated action plan will be reported back to the Committee.

The Committee will also hold a budget to cover the cost of resultant action plans, including training costs.

5. Delegation to manage all elements of recruitment to the post of Clerk and Deputy Clerk. Recruitment of subordinate posts will be managed by the Clerk.
The Sub-Committee will be responsible for advertising the vacancy, short listing applicants, conducting interviews, and deciding the outcome of the recruitment process.
The Committee has a budget to enable it to conduct these activities.

6. To ensure the necessary policies and procedures are addressed in accordance with relevant legal requirements, and the outcome of any discussions on employment matters are fully reported to full council to consider appropriate action.

7. When appropriate to conduct a review of the overall staff structure of the Council, the number and type of Employees employed by the Council and salary costs, to ensure that the workforce is able to meet the needs and ambitions of the Council.

8. To undertake any other work authorised by Full Council

Appeals Sub-Committee

This Sub-Committee will report directly to the Policy and Finance Committee and will comprise 5 Members consisting of the Chairs of the four standing committees and the Town Mayor.
i) To consider on all matters relating to the Council's appeals procedures

Environmental Services Committee

(12 members)

i) The determine all matters relating to the provision and maintenance of, bus shelters, seats, litter bins and other items of street furniture
ii) To consider the Council's response to the climate emergency
iii) To determine all matters relating to the provision and day to day running of allotments, closed churchyards, local parks and open spaces and play areas under the control of the Council.
iv) To consider all matters relating to the physical environment of the town, including litter and dog control, re-cycling of waste materials and liaising with local interest groups on such issues.
v) To manage all matters relating to the Neighbourhood Warden scheme.
vi) To consider all matters relating to the management of the Market and the Town Council's contribution towards town centre management activities.
vii) To assemble and submit to the Policy and Finance Committee an income and expenditure budget for each financial year in respect of all the services of this Committee.

Planning Committee
(12 members)

i) To consider all Planning Applications within the Parish submitted to the West Northants Council and subsequently advise the Planning Authority of the Town Council's views and to approve the Council's observations on any planning appeals.
ii) To consider and comment upon any local plans, proposed listed buildings, conservation areas, tree preservation orders and building preservation orders.
iii) To determine all matters relating to highways, footpaths and bridleways.
iv) To respond, on behalf of the Council, to the proposals of other authorities relating to transportation and car parking issues, including traffic regulation orders.

Community Services Committee

(12 Members)
i) To determine all issues relating to the management and maintenance of Community Centres under the Council's control
To determine all matters relating to the Council's approach to delivering services to young people
iii) To keep under review the need for additional community facilities and to make recommendations as to how to satisfy such need.
(iv) To assemble and submit to the Policy and Finance Committee an income and expenditure budget for each financial year in respect of all the services of this Committee.
(v) To be responsible for all matters relating to the Council's approach to community safety and to liaise with Northamptonshire Police concerning community policing issues
(vi) To liaise with local voluntary organisations on the development of voluntary services
(vii) To consider all matters relating to the organisation of public events entertainments including Festive Lighting and Christmas celebrations.

Grants Sub-Committee

This Sub-Committee will report directly to the Community Services Committee and will comprise 4 Members from that Committee and the Chair of the Environmental Services Committee
(i) To consider and make recommendations to the Community Services Committee on all grant applications made to the Council in accordance with the Council's Community Grants application process including final decisions on the Councillor Community Funding Scheme.

Scheme of delegation

Town Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer

The following powers shall be delegated to the Town Clerk or in their absence the Assistant Town Clerk
(i)Incurring all items of expenditure included within the approved budget for the relevant year except where an item is expressly excluded in the budget and subject to compliance with Standing Orders with respect to contracts and to Financial Regulations.
(ii) Grant or refusal of applications to hire Council premises, sports facilities or facilities managed by the Council within the policies prescribed by the Council.

Chair and Deputy Chair of Standing Committees (Emergency Powers)
The Chair and Deputy Chairman of any Committee (provided that, if either or both be not available, any other Member(s) of the appropriate committee shall act in their stead) shall be authorised to exercise any powers within the purview of their Committee, but not otherwise delegated, provided they are satisfied that action is required as a matter of urgency.
The Members so acting shall be deemed to constitute a Sub-Committee of the Committee concerned. A full report on any action taken under this delegation shall be reported to the next meeting of the relevant Committee.

Last updated: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 15:41