22nd December 2024

Search Northampton Town Council

Environmental Services Committee

This committee's purpose is to review environmental issues that affect the town, make recommendations to West Northants Council, work with environmental organisations and groups in the town, make decisions and implement any subsequent actions within the remit and available resources available to the town council.

Typical issues for this committee's agendas include: waste management, litter and fly-tipping, proposed developments in the town, especially those directed at improving the overall environment and attractiveness of the town, as well as broader environmental issues such as on the likely effects of climate change on the town and and its residents.

Due to the the serious implications for all of us of our changing climate, in 2021 this committee agreed to set up a Northampton Town Council Climate Change Forum. Further information about this Forum is available go to here

Last updated: Wed, 23 Nov 2022 11:47