17th September 2024

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Tags: Ukraine

Exhibition of Ukrainian Art comes to Northampton for first UK showing

Exhibition of Ukrainian Art comes to Northampton for first UK showing

An exhibition of paintings and film created by Ukrainian artists will be on display at the Northampton Museum and Art Gallery between Saturday 3rd and Sunday 18th June.

It is the first time the exhibition, curated by Ukrainian organisation Golden Time Talent and provided in partnership with the Northampton Museum and Art Gallery and Northampton Town Council, will be displayed in the United Kingdom,... Read More »

Posted: Fri, 26 May 2023

Tags: Events, News, Ukraine

Successful convoy delivers ambulances and supplies to children and families impacted by Ukrainian war

Ukrainian children receive donated items

Two ambulances packed with supplies have been successfully driven and delivered to Poland and Ukraine – thanks to a convoy organised by Northamptonshire communities and businesses.

The convoy, co-ordinated by Goodwill Solutions, Brackmills Industrial Estate Business Improvement District (BID), Northampton Supports Ukraine, Slavic Talalayenko, and Northampton Town Council, set off earlier this... Read More »

Posted: Fri, 19 May 2023

Tags: News, Ukraine

Convoy on route from Northampton to help children and families impacted by Ukrainian war

Convoy on route from Northampton to help children and families impacted by Ukrainian war

Two ambulances packed with supplies are on route to Poland and Ukraine – thanks to a trio from Northampton who are hand delivering goods to Polish schools and distribution centres near the Ukrainian border.

This convoy has been organised by Goodwill Solutions, Brackmills Industrial Estate Business Improvement District and Northampton Town Council – with both vehicles packed with school items... Read More »

Posted: Wed, 3 May 2023

Tags: News, Ukraine

Northampton Town Council formally moves motion of support to the people of Ukraine

Northampton Town Council formally moves motion of support to the people of Ukraine

At its full Council meeting on 28th March, Northampton Town Council unanimously passed a motion showing its support for Ukraine. The motion passed read:

"We, local and regional leaders across Europe, strongly condemn the multiple attacks and violations of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. We express our full support and solidarity to the Ukrainian people and our peers in local and... Read More »

Posted: Wed, 30 Mar 2022

Tags: News, Ukraine

Goodwill Solutions Launch New Charity Account to Receive Donations on Behalf of Northampton Supports Ukraine

Three volunteers holding the Ukrainian Flag - Left  to Right - Donatas, Odeta and Slavik with Cllr Jane Birch

On Monday the group of Ukrainian and Latvian volunteers (pictured Left to Right - Donatas, Odeta and Slavik with Cllr Jane Birch and John Sheriff of Goodwill Solutions) met with the members of the Northampton West Rotary Club along with councillors and the Group Development Director of Goodwill Solutions, John Sherriff. The Rotarians will become supporters of Northampton Support Ukraine, they will... Read More »

Posted: Wed, 23 Mar 2022

Tags: Ukraine

Northampton Town Council Call For Urgent School Supplies for Young Ukrainian Refugees Entering Poland

Northampton Town Council Call For Urgent School Supplies for Young Ukrainian Refugees Entering Poland

With the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine, Northampton residents have responded with enormous generosity donating thousands of items. Many lorries have already made the perilous journey to Ukraine and the Polish border.

Further to this, Northampton Town Council have launched a donation drive calling for urgent school supplies. Of those that managed to escape the atrocities, some young, Ukrainian... Read More »

Posted: Tue, 22 Mar 2022

Tags: Community, News, Ukraine

Northampton Town Council Supports Ukraine

Northampton Town Council Supports Ukraine

With the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine, Northampton residents have responded with enormous generosity donating thousands of items. Many lorries have already made the perilous journey to Ukraine and the Polish border.

A long-term solution was needed to support the volunteers and enable safe storage, sorting, packing of items and distribution of the donations and so a group of Town Councillors... Read More »

Posted: Tue, 15 Mar 2022

Tags: Community, News, Ukraine