17th September 2024

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Sustainable Planters

Our first sustainable planter, on Abington Street, Northampton

The Forum's sustainable planters of the 'Greening the Town' project are located on Abington Street by the junction of St Giles Terrace, at the top of Guildhall Road and in purpose-built planters in St Katherine's Gardens. The 'Greening the Town' project aims to increase biodiversity in the town centre by dedicating areas for sustainable plants and flowers.

Northampton Town Council provides Northampton in Bloom, which brings colour to the town each summer. One of the main objectives of Bloom is to make planting more sustainable and supportive of biodiversity. Therefore, planters with perennial plants will be placed in the town centre, which will create a year-round display as well as providing shelter and food for soil organisms, insects and birds.

The planters showcase examples of plants that can be grown for all year round in the smallest of spaces. Whether a window box, patio troughs, a one metre square patch of soil or larger areas, we all can support biodiversity by planting a green space.

Northampton Town Councillor Andrew Stevens, who chairs the Climate Change Forum, commented

"A parliamentary committee in 2021 stated that biodiversity and well-functioning ecosystems are critical for human existence, economic prosperity, a good quality of life, and that the UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world.

"So, it is important for all of us to know what we can do personally to try to reverse this decline. This planter, which we hope will be the first of many Town Council greening initiatives over the next few years, while clearly only a small step, has a big message behind it".

Local business St Giles Music Shop have kindly agreed to care for the planter on Abington Street. The plan is to create further 'green spots' with planters throughout the town centre. If your business or organisation would be interested in supporting a planter, please contact Northampton Town Council on info@northamptontowncouncil.gov.uk to take part.

The planter at the top of Guildhall Road was installed specially for the Coronation of King Charles III in May 2023. The plants in this planter include Alchemilla Mollis which is rumoured to be Queen Camilla's favourite plant and red, white and blue floral displays, associated with the national colours.

References:' A parliamentary committee in 2021' - https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm5802/cmselect/cmenvaud/136/136-report.html#heading-0

Grow Your Own Planter Recipe

“To plant a garden however small, is to believe in the future”

Last updated: Fri, 03 Feb 2023 15:32