17th September 2024

Search Northampton Town Council

15th - 19th May 2023

Get involved and join the fun!

We are working with Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking, to support Primary Schools in the local area to take part in Walk to School Week 2023. Walk to School Week will be taking place between Monday 15th May 2023 and Friday 19th May 2023. Pupils throughout Britain are encouraged to travel sustainably to school, whether by walking, scooting, using a wheelchair or cycling.

To encourage children in healthy exercise and to reduce road congestion and air pollution in our town, Northampton Town Council's Climate Change Forum is funding classroom packs for Primary Schools to join the campaign.

This year's classroom packs will adopt a Walk with Wildlife theme, featuring a range of fun and relatable animals to guide pupils through the challenge. As they progress through the week, they'll learn about the many benefits of active and sustainable travel for individuals, communities, and the planet. We can also share digital posters and social media assets for your campaign. You can find more information about Walk to School Week by visiting: www.livingstreets.org.uk/wtsw

Classroom packs contain material for up to 30 pupils and are available in KS/P1-3 and KS2/P4-7 variants, featuring age-appropriate curriculum aligned activities. Inside each pack you will find:
• Teacher guidance and parent support information
• One double sided classroom wallchart/pledge poster
• Daily stickers for pupils and wallchart
• 30 pupil activity diaries
• 30 end of week pupil rewards

If you would like to take part in Walk to School Week this year, and you would like to receive fully-funded classroom packs, please register your interest via email by 5pm Monday 17th April - josephine.haines@northamptontowncouncil.gov.uk
Please could you also provide the below information in preparation for your order:
• Name and email address of lead contact at your school
• School address
• How many classes you have in KS1 (and how many pupils in each class)
• How many classes you have in KS2 (and how many pupils in each class)
Please note: Schools can choose classroom packs for either/both KS1 or KS2. There is no problem if a school only wants to receive packs for one key stage. Packs will be ordered by NTC and delivered by Living Streets in time for the project. Orders will be placed with Living Streets by Fri 21st April.

Last updated: Sun, 16 Apr 2023 11:10